Thursday, January 20, 2011

Something Creative

This week, for my class, I am supposed to keep a log of how much I write everyday. I thought that, as part of that writing time, I could write one new thing on my blog each day for the entire week. (I think what will be difficult about this assignment is making time to write, as I now work nine and a half hour days. . . It'll be hard, but as my dad says, dadgum, it'll teach me discipline!:) So here is Day 1:

The royal little terror looked like a black, phantom rabbit as it bounded in and out of snow drifts while the last bits of lavender twilight slowly faded. The treeline beyond the jumping miniature fox stood as a guard against all other unknown mysteries; but this one had escaped. Unfortunately, I was a sure target. Every other living creature was nestled in snow-muffled caverns of comfort, or in glowing-windowed houses of ignorance, but here I was, running for my life in knee-deep mounds of cold.

I could hear the creature getting closer as I bumbled through the drifts. It's rapid panting made my eyes twitch, and though small, it produced a rumbling growl that hit the gear-shift of my already-flying legs. How was it possible that I was hurtling over the snow, yet it was gaining?

I felt a tug on my left pant leg, heard a snarl, and then another tug. I decided to sneak a glance behind me to gauge my inches ahead of it. Just as I was turning my head, I felt a sharp pinch on the back of my thigh. As I tried to pull away, my foot slipped under the powder and I hit the ground with a muffled thud.

Under other circumstances, I might have had a pleasant landing, but as it was, all I thought about was shielding my head and curling up in a ball. The phantom dug at my head and arms, trying to reach my face. I squeezed my eyes tightly and waited for the first blow. I could feel it sniffing at the hole underneath my elbows when suddenly . . .

"Eww! Jezzy, you just licked up my nose!"

As I tore my arms away from my head and tried to wipe up the damage, the little skipperke dog stood on my chest in triumph.

1 comment:

  1. I almost thought that it was going to be some horror short, so different than what I would have thought... but then it turned out quite pleasant.
    Gosh, nice writing, Brittney. You are masterful with your words and plot development (how does that comment sound for some accountant? Did I even use the right words?)

    Keep it up!
