Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have not had time to write recently (and when I say write, I mean write as a form of art, rather than just thinking on paper), but today, in rummaging through my thumb drive in search of my resume, I found this little blurb that I wrote during the summer of 2008. I believe the principles therein still hold true, and I thought they might be worth sharing. (Also, I normally like to add a picture to my posts (no matter how terrible the resolution is) because I think it adds depth to my meaning, but I don't have one of a sparrow, and I have to go to work in about five minutes.)

Out my window, I have a view of a few rolling hills with fields of round, freshly cut hay bales, thick patches of trees, and an occasional cow. I love to sit and ponder upon the mysteries of life from my perch beside this window, and I have discovered many simple truths in this position. Part of my view also consists of the roof of my house. I used to regret this obscurity, considering that my view would be much more inspiring without it, but have since found that it too, has its own objects of enlightenment.

Where that gable meets my wall is a small nook, perfect for a handful of sparrows to make their home. I have had occasion to observe the birth, growth, and maturity of many a sparrow, my favorite part being when the babies learn to fly. They start out tentatively at first, tending to short distances, yet they learn so quickly! Within days, they flitter about as if they had always been flying. My little sister, Rosamund (6), and I have named one of those babies, Gus. He is chubby, with a black stripe across his beak, and a bold, ebony badge on his breast.

In my times of doldrums, I am drawn to this seat of edification, and almost every time, I am uplifted by a sparrow that unknowingly has come to keep me company. I stand in awe that the tender mercies of the Lord often come in the most simple of forms, and I think if we were to look around more frequently, we could be uplifted every moment, finding no need for despair or confusion at any time, because God is always there.

1 comment:

  1. Brittney Durfee...I think it would be lovely to come visit your house! In the summer or spring time like in this little story, not now in the winter when I am sure it is very cold! Is it colder or warmer than Utah?
